Components Section
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The Components Section of the Mixture's Chapter contains one large field used to specify the chemicals contained in the current mixture.

Field Controls

The Components Section's field contains one large table control that lists the name of each chemical contained in the current mixture. Cranium and Synapse often perform estimations and calculations on a mixture by first retrieving the property values of its pure chemical components. Thus, it is very important to use the chemical's identifier and not one of its synonyms.

Table Control: displays undesignated data values.
Editing Mixture Components Data

Clicking the left mouse button on the section's 'table control activates the Mixture Components Edit Dialog. The dialog enables you to add, remove, edit, and sort a mixture's components.

Table Control: the dialog's table control displays the current list of components. Clicking the left mouse button on a table row selects that table row. Clicking and holding the left mouse button down and then dragging the mouse will select several table rows. Double-clicking the left mouse button on a row selects the row and edits the contents of that row.
Edit Button: pressing the dialog's Edit button activates the Mixture Component Edit Dialog. See below for documentation.
Commands Button: pressing the dialog's Commands button or clicking the right mouse button on the table control displays the commands menu. This menu provides standard commands for copying, pasting, and clearing mixture components. See the documentation on Common Menu Commands for details.
Verify Button: pressing the dialog's Verify button causes the dialog to check if each entered component is present in the Chemicals Chapter of the current document.
Add Rows Button: pressing the Add Rows button will add rows to the bottom of the table control.
Editing Mixture Component Datum

Pressing the Mixture Components dialog's Edit button or double-clicking the left mouse button on a row in the dialog's table control with activate the Mixture Component edit dialog. This dialog enables you to enter a component's name and comments.

Component Control: enter the name of the mixture component. The dialog will accept any text value.
List Button: pressing the List button displays the Component Selection dialog. This dialog enables you to select the identifier of any chemical in the current document. (See the All Entities dialog documentation for more details on selecting chemical components.)
Comments Edit Control: displays and enables editing of the comments associated with this component.
Date, Phrase, and Set Buttons: the Date button inserts the current date and time into the Comments Control. The Phrase button inserts the current user's 'Personal Phrase' into the Comments Control. The Set Button activates the Set Phrase Dialog which enables you to change your personal phrase.
Data Commands Menu

Clicking the right mouse button within the table control activates the field's data commands menu.

The menu's commands enable you to copy, cut and paste values to and from the data control. See Common Menu Commands for documentation on the commands commonly found on command menus. See below for documentation on this field's specific menu commands.

Example: Entering a mixture's components
  1. Open a knowledge base document. (Open a "working" document or create a copy of a document (see here) if you are just experimenting with this functionality.)
  2. Using the tabs at the top of the document, change to the Mixtures Chapter by clicking the left mouse button on Mixtures tab. (See the Navigation Overview documentation for details on navigating chapters and pages.)
  3. Create a new Mixture entity by pressing the "+" button in the menubar or executing the "Add New Page" command found on the Edit menu. A new, blank Mixture page will be added to the current document.
  4. Click the left mouse button in the Identifier Pane, the large white box at the top of the page. The application will activate the pane's edit dialog.
  5. Enter "Ammonia + Argon" for the new mixture's name. Optionally, enter values in the reference and comments controls. Finally, press the dialog's Save button to store the name in the current document.
  6. Now click the left mouse button on the Component Section's large table control. The application will activate the Mixture's Components edit dialog. (See documentation on the Mixture Components Dialog for details.)
    The name of each mixture component is entered in a separate table row.
    Pressing the dialog's Edit button will activate the Edit dialog enabling you to enter or select a chemical component.
    Pressing the dialog's Verify button will search for each chemical component in the current document. The application will notify you if any component could not be found.
    Pressing the dialog's Save button stores the entered components into the current document. Note that the validity of each entry is not checked before saving. Use the Verify button to perform such checks.
  7. Click the left mouse button on the first row and press the dialog's Edit button. The application will activate the Component Edit dialog. (You can also double-click on a table's row to activate the edit dialog.)
    The dialog's List button will display the names of all the chemicals contained in the current document.
  8. Enter "Ammonia" into the Component Chemical control and, optionally, an entry into the Comments control. Finally, press the dialog's OK button.
  9. Now double-click the left mouse button on the table's second row. The application will again activate the Component Edit dialog.
  10. Press the dialog's List button. The application will list all the chemicals contained in the current document. Select "Argon", using the Match Substrings controls for assistance, and press the dialog's OK button. The selected name will be added to the edit dialog's Component Chemical control.
    Enter part of the chemical's name you are searching for. The dialog will display only those names containing the entered substring.
  11. Again, optionally add an entry in the Comments control and press the dialog's OK button.
  12. Finally, press the Components Edit dialog's Save button to store the entered components into the current document.
Related Documentation
Topic Description
Estimating Mixture Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate physical properties using either Synapse or Cranium.
Getting Started using Cranium provides a quick tour of Cranium's capabilities including data entry and physical property estimation.
Mixtures Chapter the mixtures chapter contains numerous sections for entering and displaying data and estimates.