Citation Import Dialog
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

We recommend that every data value should be entered along with its associated reference. Thus, before data are entered, the data's reference should be created in the document's Reference chapter. The Citation Import Dialog makes entering a reference's information much easier.

Many publication websites provide easily accessible citation information. For example, the ScienceDirect webiste contains information on the following journal article.

At the top of the webpage there is an Export button. Clicking on the button displays a menu. Selecting the 'Export citation to RIS' displays the reference's information in the RIS file format.

RIS is a standardized tagged file format developed by Research Information Systems, Inc. Both Cranium and Synapse can parse RIS formatted files and enter the information into a Reference entity.

Different publisher websites will have different procedures for displaying RIS information. However, almost all publisher's do provide this functionality.

Example: Use the Citation Import Dialog to add a new reference
  1. Open a knowledge base document. (Open a "working" document or create a copy of a document (see here) if you are just experimenting with this functionality.)
  2. Change to the References Chapter. (See documentation on Navigation Overview for details on navigating chapters and pages.)
  3. Create a new Reference entity by pressing the "+" button in the menubar or executing the "Add New Page" command found on the Edit menu. A new, blank Reference page will be added to the current document.
  4. Open the publisher's webpage containing the article's information you wish to import. On the webpage execute the commands needed to display citation information in RIS format. For example, on the Elsevier website shown previously, you would press the Export button and select the 'Export citation to RIS' command from the displayed menu.
  5. Depending upon your browser and the publisher's website, a window may appear or a file may be downloaded containing the article's citation information. (Note how the information is in a tagged format.)
  6. If the information is displayed on your computer's screen, it is often easier to transfer values using the clipboard. To do this simply select all the text in the displayed window and execute the copy command. (Typically the copy command is executed by pressing cntrl-C or clicking the right mouse button in the widow and selecting the copy command.)
  7. Within Cranium or Synapse, click on the Commands menu and select the Import Citation File command. The application will activate the Citation Import Dialog.
    Press the Browse button to import values from a file.
    Press the Clipboard button to import values from the clipboard.
    The citation information is displayed with labels corresponding to the fields into which they will be entered.
  8. Press the dialog's Clipboard button. The previously copied citation information will be displayed in the Citation Information table.
  9. Check the valued displayed in the Citation Information table. Sometimes values are displayed twice. For example, Source Title is often displayed twice, once with the source's full name and once with an abbreviated name. Use the dialog's controls to make any necessary changes. (See documentation on the Citation Import Edit Dialog for details on editing citation entries.)
  10. Finally press the dialog's Save button. The citation's values will be entered into their corresponding field.
Example: Use the edit dialog to change a title's case

The citation information imported from a publisher's website must often be edited to match the style of reference information in your documents. The Citation Import Edit dialog enables you to edit each citation entry.

  1. Import citation information as documented above.
  2. Select the Citation Information table's Title row and press the Edit button. The application activates the edit dialog.
  3. Select all the text in the Value control and click the right mouse button in the control. The dialog displays the commands menu.
  4. Select the Change Case menu item and then the Title Case menu command. The capitalization of the title's text will be updated. Check that all words are capitalized as desired and then press the dialog's OK button.
Tip: Use the edit dialog's List button for consistency

For certain citation properties, e.g., Source Title, the edit dialog will enable its List button. Pressing the List button will display a list of values used in the current document. For example, Pressing the List button when the Source Title is selected will display a compiled list of source titles used in the current document. Using current values will maintain consistency in your references.

Related Documentation
Topic Description
Reference Chapter this chapter contains pages detailing each of the references used to document the data values, techniques, designs, and selections contained in the current document.
Changing Case details the commands used to change text into upper case, lower case, and title case.