Append Report Dialog
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The Append Report dialog enables you to add the contents of one report to the end of the contents of another report. The dialog is activated by selecting the Append Report command of the Reports Chapter commands menu.

Example: Append two reports together
  1. Open a report document. (Open a "working" document or create a copy of a document (see here) if you are just experimenting with this functionality.)
  2. Using the tabs at the top of the document, change to the Reports Chapter by clicking the left mouse button on Reports tab.
  3. Press the Add toolbar button (the large plus sign). Alternatively you can choose the Add Page command from the Edit menu or use the crtl-a keyboard shortcut.
    Add Button: pressing this toolbar button will add a new, blank page to the current chapter.
    Delete Button: pressing this toolbar button will delete the current page from the current chapter. IMPORTANT: the deletion of a page cannot be undone.
  4. Click the left mouse button in the new reports identifier pane. Using the edit dialog give the report a name, e.g., "New Example Report", and press the dialog's Save button.
  5. Select the Append Report command from the Reports Chapter's commands menu. The application will activate the Select Report dialog.
  6. Select the "Chemical: Benzoic Acid, PH Solubility Graph" report from the Entities list and press the OK button.
  7. The application will append the contents of the "Chemical: Benzoic Acid, PH Solubility Graph" report to the end of the contents of the current report. (The current report, being newly created has no contents, so the appended report becomes the current report's contents.)
  8. Once again, select the Append Report command from the Reports Chapter's commands menu.
  9. Select the "Chemical: Benzoic Acid, Solubility Parameters" report from the Entities list and press the OK button. The contents of this report will be appended to the contents of the current report.
  10. You can now edit the report to remove the duplicate title section. (See the Report Pages Edit Dialog documentation for details on editing reports.)
Related Documentation
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