Version 2.4 is an older version of Synapse. It is the last minor update for major version 23. We recommend you review the newest version of Synapse (see here).
Version 2.4 contained numerous new capabilities as well as improved property estimation, graphing, reporting and bookmarking. Some of the new capabilities are detailed below.
Installation Options:
All of Synapse's documentation is now online. This provides a much richer level of information and allows for continuous updating and expansion. Click here for the table of contents.
The logic used to transfer candidates from both chemical and mixture designs was faulty. The algorithm was updated and the transfer dialogs enahanced. The designer now has much more control over the transfer process including candidate consolidation and renaming. See the documentation for transferring chemical candidates and transferring mixture candidates for details.
Linked documents, e.g., reference documents and associated documents, can now include 'virtual prefixes' allowing document locations to be easily updated when the source location changes. See the documentation for details.
The new Substructure Limits section can be used to instruct Synapse to eliminate chemical candidates containing certain substructures. See the documentation for details.
An SD file can now be generated for one or more chemicals present is a knowledge base which has an entered molecular structure. Physical properties and attributes can be selected for inclusion in the SD file. See here for documentation.
You are now able to enter a desired physical property value and estimate the temperature, pressure, and composition that will produce that value. See here for documentaion.
Numerous dialogs enable you to regress values into a large variety of equations. See here for documentation.
You can now store equation parameters for temperature, pressure and composition dependent properties on each chemical and mixture page. This capability is integrated with the new regression capability, i.e., parameters regressed from a chemical's or mixture's data or estimates can be easily stored with the entity's values. See here for additional details.
You can add 'curve values' which will be displayed in field graphs in addition to data and estimated values. Curve value graphs are very useful for organizing the visual appearance of physical property data. In particular, when data at several different temperatures and pressures are present.
See the documentation here for futher details.
You can quickly and easily compile physical property values, data and estimates, for pure chemicals and mixtures. The Values Compilation Dialog displays the compiled values, a histogram, and a set of summary statistics.
See the documentation here for additional details.
All estimation techniques now use zero based compositions. For example, when referencing a binary mixture, the first component is 'Comp 0' and the second component is 'Comp 1'.
All techniques supplied by Molecular Knowledge systems now have an '[MKS]' suffix. This was done to help distinguish techniques we provide from your own techniques. As always, we recommend you make a copy of one our techniques if you plan to modify it.