The Multiple Regressions Chapter is found in modeling documents. The chapter manages entity lists, compilation code, regression values, and regression results. The chapter also provides commands for regressing values into a multiple linear model.
The chapter's datapane is divided into eight sections:
Section | Description |
Source Knowledge Base Section | used to record the knowledge base that will be used as the source of all entities, physical property data, and estimation techniques as well as the destination of newly regressed variable values. |
Regression Specification Section | enables you to specify the entity type, the entities, and the compilation function used to collect values to be used in the regression. |
Regression Values Section | displays values for the the compiled x, y, and z regression variable values. Provides you with analysis tools for identifying duplicate rows, correlated variables, values with minimal variation. |
Regression Variables Section | displays the optimal values of the regression variables. Variable values as well as their standard errors and confidence intervals are displayed. |
Regression Results Section | displays the regression's summary statistics, parity plots, histograms, and residuals. You can use these values to determine the quality of the regression as well as identify ways in which to improve the regression. |
Technique Variables Transfer Section | enables you to specify the destination of the regression variable values. Typically, variable values are transferred to one or more estimation techniques within the source knowledge base. |
General Notes Section | used to store any general notes about the current regression. Typically, this section is used to detail the criteria used to select regression values and details about the technique transfer specifications. |
Associated Documents Section | used to store links to any documents associated with the current regression. |
The Multiple Regressions chapter has commands for compiling regression values, regressing these values into a linear model, transferring these regressed variable values to source estimation techniques, and reporting these results. These commands are available from the chapter's Commands menu.
The menubar provides numerous other commands for navigation, bookmarking, file operations, units conversion, etc. See the documentation on Common Commands for details.
Topic | Description |
Getting Started using Synapse | provides a quick tour of Synapse's capabilities including examples of chemical product design. |
Getting Started using Cranium | provides a quick tour of Cranium's capabilities including a discussion of structure editing. |
Estimating Chemical Properties | a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of chemicals using either Synapse or Cranium. |
Estimating Mixture Properties | a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of mixtures using either Synapse or Cranium. |