Datum-Reference All Data Dialog
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The data commonly used for display, compliation, and estimation operations are designated as 'active status' data. In addition to data having active status, Cranium and synapse also enable you to store data with status values of passive, rejected, or unknown. Passive data are typically data that are duplicates of data considered to be of higher quality. Rejected data is data that should not be used because of inaccuracy or inconsistent reporting. Unknown data are data whose quality is currently unknown.

The Datum-Reference All Data Dialog enables you to record data of all status values. The dialog is activated by selecting the Edit All Data command from the data control's commands menu.

Dialog Controls

The All Data dialog provides controls for displaying data, displaying source information, editing data values, sorting data, and assigning status values.

Table Control: displays the current list of data. Each row contains a status value and datum value. Clicking the left mouse button on a table row selects that table row. Clicking and holding the left mouse button down and then dragging the mouse will select several table rows. Double-clicking the left mouse button on a row selects the row and edits the contents of that row.
Reference Control: displays the name of the reference associated with the currently selected datum.
Comments Control: displays the comments associated with the currently selected datum.
Edit Button: activates the Datum Edit dialog enabling you to enter the datum's value, accuracy, and source information. See the Datum Edit Dialog documentation for details.
Set Status Button: displays a menu listing possible status values. Selecting a status value from the menu assigns it to each datum selected in the dialog's table control.
Commands Button: pressing the dialog's Commands button or clicking the right mouse button on the table control displays the commands menu. This menu provides standard commands for copying, pasting, and clearing data values. See the documentation on Common Menu Commands for details.
Set Source: activates the Assign References and Comments dialog enabling you to assign a reference an comments to all selected datum rows. See documentation on the Assign References and Comments Dialog for additional details.)
Sort Button: the dialog's Sort button will be enabled if two or more rows are selected. Pressing the Sort button activates the Sort Attribute dialog. This dialog enables you to sort data in ascending or descending order by the selected attribute.
Add Rows Button: pressing the Add Rows button will add rows to the bottom of the table control.
Statistics Button: activates the Data Statistics Dialog. This dialog calculates and displays several summary statistics for the listed data values including average, standard deviation, and expected minimum and maxiumum values at various confidence levels. These statistics are often useful in determining data values whose status should be set to 'rejected'.
Show Reference: retrieves the reference stored in the current bookmark's Reference Section and opens the reference's associated document.
Example: Assigning a Datum's Status Value
  1. Open the MKS Sample Knowledge Base document. (Open a "working" document or create a copy of a document (see here) if you are just experimenting with this functionality.)
  2. Change to the Elements chapter and navigate to the page showing Boron. (See documentation on Navigation Overview for details on navigating chapters and pages.)
  3. Note that the Atomic Weight field's data control is displaying a green triangle in its uppper right corner. This indicates that there are additional, non-active data.
  4. Click the right mouse button on the data control. The application will display the data commands menu. Select the Edit All Data command from the menu.
  5. The application activates the All Data Dialog. Note that there is only one datum with an Activate status but that there are other data with a Passive status. For constant properties, only one datum can have an Active status.
  6. Click the left mouse button on one of the data having a Passive status. Then press the dialog's Set Status button and select Active from the displayed menu. Note that the status of this datum is now set to Active and the status of the previously active datum is now set to Passive.
  7. Finally, press the dialog's Save button to store the data into the current document. Note that the displayed datum has been updated.
Tip: Editing active data is the same

You can use either the Datum-Reference All Data dialog or the Datum-Reference Datum Dialog to edit the active datum. The results will be the same using either dialog.

Related Documentation
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Estimating Chemical Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of chemicals using either Synapse or Cranium.
Estimating Mixture Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of mixtures using either Synapse or Cranium.