Aspen Import Dialog
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0324+)

ASPEN is a widely used process simulator. ASPEN input files, typically denoted by the '.inp' suffix, are often used to store stream and physical property values. Cranium and Synapse can read and parse ASPEN input files, extracting physical property values into a knowledge base document.

The following is an example ASPEN input file (only the physical property information is displayed):

Values from the imported file are used to create chemicals and estimation techniques. Property values will be read into the newly created chemicals. Parameter values will be read into the newly created techniques.

Because new entities will be created, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you import values from an ASPEN input file into a template knowledge base. Only after you examine the imported values and verify their accuracy and completeness should you then import these values into your working knowledge base.

Example: Import values from an ASPEN input file.
  1. Open the MKS GER Template Knowledge Base document. The template knowledge base contains elements, groups and references but no chemicals, mixtures or techniques. (Note: the MKS GER Template Knowledge Base can be downloaded from the MKS Documents section of our website's Library page.)
  2. Use the File menu's "Save a Copy" command to create and open a copy of the template knowledge base.
  3. Select the Import Values command from the File menu. The application will activate the Import Data dialog.
  4. Select the ASPEN Input File format and press the dialog's Import button. The application will activate the Import Values dialog.
    Browse button for entering the name of the ASPEN input file to be imported.
    The entity type whose entities and properties are being displayed. ASPEN input files contain only chemicals and technique parameters.
    List of selected entities to be imported.
    The physical properties and attributes of the current entities to be imported.
    Commands for:
    • All Entities: select all listed entities.
    • All Props: select all listed properties.
    • Clear Entities: select no listed entities.
    • Clear Props: select no listed properties.
    • Rename: activates the Rename Import Entities dialog enabling you to rename each entity before it is imported into a knowledge base. (See documentation on Import Renames Dialog for details.)
    • Find: Use the Find Entity dialog to find an entity by its name.
    • Bookmark: use a bookmark to select entities.
    The Import Options control used to specify if imported values will be added, skipped or merged with existing values.
    The Import button begins the import process.
  5. Press the Browse button and select the ASPEN input file whose contents you wish to import.
  6. Use the Entity Type, All Entities and All Props controls to select all chemicals and all techniques for import.
  7. Select the Add Source Values options choice from the Import Options control. This option will create new entities and add new values to the template knowledge base.
  8. Finally press the dialog's Import button. The application will begin the import process documenting the entities being imported.

The application will read and parse the ASPEN input file collecting physical property values and estimation technique parameters. These values will then be written into the current knowledge base.

Example Files

The following ASPEN input file contains properties and technique parameters for one chemical: 4-Ethylmorpholine. The accompanying knowledge contains the input file's contents.

Example File Description
AspenInputFile01.inp An ASPEN input file containing property data and technique parameters for one chemical.
Aspen KB.mkskbd The knowledge base containing the property data and technique parameters imported from the accompanying ASPEN input file.
Video Demonstration

Please see our video demonstrating how to import an ASPEN input file into an MKS knowledge base.

The video demonstration imports the input file listed in the previous section creating the resulting knowledge base also listed in the previous section.

Related Documentation
Topic Description
Estimating Chemical Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of pure chemical using either Synapse or Cranium.
Getting Started using Cranium provides a quick tour of Cranium's capabilities including physical property estimation and a discussion of structure editing.