CRANIUM 4.2 - Major Upgrade Procedure

Version 4.2 is the current version of Cranium. If you are running Cranium 4.0 or later, you should perform a minor upgrade. (See here for details.)

If you are running Cranium version 3.2 or earlier, you will need to perform a major upgrade. A major upgrade consists of two parts:

  1. You must upgrade your license key to Version 4.
  2. You must upgrade the application to Version 4.2.

The following sections detail these two steps. You can also view the video at the right which details the major upgrade procedure.

Upgrade Your License Key
  1. A fee is required when upgrading between major versions of Cranium, e.g., upgrading from version 3.2 to version 4.0. Contact us for details.
  2. Once the upgrade fee has been paid, we will email you a "V2C File" containing the information needed to upgrade your license key. Save this file to a location on your computer's hard disk.
  3. Insert your license key into your computer. (If you are updating multiple keys, insert only one key at a time and repeat this procedure for each key.)
  4. Select the License Key Control from the Cranium Start Menu folder. Your browser will display the Sentinel Admin Control Center. (Note: the Sentinel Admin Control Center must be running on the same computer to which the license key is attached. The License Key Control menu item was called Network Key Control in earlier versions of Cranium.)
  5. Click on the Update/Attach command. The Update/Attach page will be displayed.
  6. Press the Choose File button and select the V2C file sent to you by us.
  7. Press the Apply File button. The update will be applied to the attached license key.

Warning: once you upgrade you license key, you will no longer be able to run previous versions of Cranium.

Once you receive your V2C file, select the License Key Control command from Cranium's start menu group, select the Update/Attach command from the Control Center, press the Choose File button to read in the V2C file, and finally press the Apply File button.

Upgrade Your Application

Warning: installing this update will remove previous versions of Cranium. If you do not have a license for Cranium version 4, you will no longer be able to run your previous version. Please contact Molecular Knowledge Systems to obtain major upgrade details.

Complete the form below, click the 'Download Update' button. The download page will be displayed. Click the download link, and execute the installer program to install the latest version of Cranium.

First Name (required):

Last Name (required):

Company (required):

Human Check (required) - Please check this box:

Pressing the Download Update button will take you to the Upgrade page. Click the Download Cranium link on the page to download the installation program.

Once the installation program has been downloaded, click the open file link to begin the upgrade.